Research to practice in education

In an exciting new collaborative podcast between the Jacobs Foundation and Emerald Publishing, experts talk about creating impact in education. Across three episodes, guests tell fascinating stories about generating and translating evidence that informs educational practice.

In episode one, released now, hear about collaborations between researchers and practitioners in the form of research-practice partnerships. These partnerships bring together agencies that deliver education, such as schools and governing bodies, with researchers in universities or institutions. Find out how they generate evidence that can help decision-making and ultimately improve educational practices. Listen now

Episode two, coming later this year, will be about the support school-level actors need to embed research and data into their practice. Guests will address these questions: How can research and data uncover the best practices in schools and help leaders make decisions? What resources do school leaders and teachers need, particularly those in under-resourced education systems? How can they be supported by the wider research community?

Episode three, also coming later this year, will be produced in partnership with BOLD and the podcast Teachers’ Voices and will consider how impact can be achieved in education through involving teachers in research. What are the obstacles, and how can they be overcome?

Across the series, inspiring guests will discuss the benefits of generating and translating research, the challenges faced along the way, and learning from examples of good practice that can be learned from.